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Friday, July 8, 2011

My first time driving expierence!

So I thought driving would be easy but it is NOT! I took forever to get my permit because my mom lost my birth certificate -___-. So while I was in driver's ed I was gaining the knowledge but not the practice. So my aunt takes me out when I get my permit and stops the car and says " You ready, get out!" I'm like what the heck I haven't even practiced! So I get in the car drive to the stop sign and the next road has a HUGE curve in it and i get even more nervous because two cars come behind me. I start to turn left and the car speeds up and I run into the curve of the road! I know the drivers behind me were mad because I came into a complete stop.I was panting and everything. I will need much more practice! But the thing that got me was when the two cars sped up around me. It reminded me of this video.

1 comment:

  1. You almost killed yourself.Remind me to never be in the car when you're driving.
